All the top jobs listed on EuroBrussels are shown below:
You will partner with the business at all levels, driving accountability for creating and implementing effective, proactive & strategic recruitment delivery plans. You will also be...
Monitor regulatory developments (mainly in the EU) which could impact the Precious Metals industry and coordinate the update of the EPMF Risk Register. The focus will be on...
You would contribute to the delivery of Clean Air Fund’s mission, through supporting strategy design, impact assessment, and the development and management of a portfolio of...
Play a central role in information and knowledge exchange between EU focused activities and the global ECPAT network on technology-facilitated sexual exploitation of children...
Support the Communication Director & Communication Manager. Manage the association daily press review. Contribute to the coordination of partnerships & events. Manage the...
Monitor and analyse EU policy and report to the AFEP team and company members; Propose advocacy campaigns, prepare, attend and represent the Association in meetings with EU...
Sie vertreten die politischen Interessen der VDV-Mitgliedsunternehmen gegenüber den europäischen Institutionen, anderen Organisationen und Verbänden auf EU-Ebene, insbesondere...
Erarbeitung von Stellungnahmen und Positionen zu ordnungspolitischen Vorgaben in engem Austausch mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Hausgeräteindustrie, bspw. zu den...
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