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Prüfung und Bewertung von Gesetzesentwürfen und Initiativen der Europäischen Institutionen mit Bezug zur Kreislaufwirtschaft; Entwicklung der Verbandsposition zu europäischen...
Help maintain and update our website; Produce content for, and monitor our social media channels; Assist in drafting and editing communications content; Shoot and edit videos...
Manage media relations: develop and maintain strong relationships with trade and top-tier journalists and media outlets, pitch stories and secure media coverage in leading media...
Track transportation policy developments and trends, with a primary focus on EU-level policy developments (and other Europe-based jurisdictions, as appropriate), identify gaps in...
Serve as the spokesperson for the organization, representing our activities, achievements, and initiatives to the media, stakeholders, and the public. Proactively build and...
Analyse legislative proposals, draft position papers and brief members; Represent the industry at policy-related meetings or events and advocate the positions; Grow and maintain a...
Creating and scheduling social media posts, engaging with followers, and analyzing social media metrics. Creating visuals for various projects, such as website banners, and social...
EuroClimateJobs is the job board for climate and renewable energy jobs all over Europe. We have climate and renewable energy jobs for international jobseekers and English speakers in multinational companies in Europe. Climate and Renewable Energy jobs in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, UK and more. Jobs in Europe in climate and energy regulation and policy, energy, environment, renewable energy, solar energy, sustainable finance, wind energy.
See also our list of industry associations for energy.
For climate and energy jobs all over Europe look at .