Coordination and Communication Officer

Coordination and Communication Officer

Practitioners' Network for European Development Cooperation

Brussels, Belgium


The Coordination and Communication Officer works under the supervision of the Coordinator and collaborates closely with the Finance & Administration Officer.

Tasks and Resposibilities

Contribute to Network Coordination:

  • Organise and manage the logistics of PN events (e.g. the Annual Meeting of the General Assembly, CEO meetings, Steering Committee meetings...), such as invitation management, communications, technical and facility management, catering, follow-up;
  • Draft reports and minutes;
  • Maintain good information management and knowledge management infrastructure of the PN, to ensure institutional memory and effective transitions between consecutive Presidencies, including by keeping the documents repository in the member area of the PN website up to date and supporting others to do the same;
  • Disseminate information to PN members, support information-sharing and exchanges among PN members;
  • Further promote digital tools for PN management and PN activities (e.g. the members’ area on the PN website, use of MS Teams and OneDrive) and provide guidance to PN members on effective use of such tools;
  • Monitor relevant EU processes for the PN and information and share them within the PN;
  • Procure goods and services for the PN, in line with legal requirements and the PN Charter;
  • Ensure that internal regulations and procedures are updated, documented and accessible as needed.

External communications and visibility:

  • Design, lead the production of, public communication and visibility products of the PN for approval by the Presidency (e.g. PN at a Glance; The PN in Ukraine at a Glance);
  • Manage, regularly update, and populate the PN website; and liaise with the service providers who handle the technical IT;
  • Produce social media content (regular posts on Twitter and LinkedIn, Infosheets to members, campaigns) and disseminate it through the PN Social Media accounts;
  • Monitor social media engagement through KPI tracking;
  • Support the PN Coordinator and co-Presidency in managing requests for information on the PN as well as membership requests.

Support PN working groups:

  • Jointly with the PN Coordinator, ensure good coordination, complementarity and synergies between PN working groups, workstreams and task forces;
  • Assist PN members co-leading working groups, workstreams and task forces where needed, as far as available resources permit (e.g., agenda elaboration, drafting minutes, developing workplans, online communications...).


  • Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, International Relations, EU Affairs, Business Administration or Communication or an academic degree in a related field;
  • Minimum of 3 years of work experience in a coordination role;
  • Good knowledge of the functioning of the European Union as well as of its external policies, with a specific focus on European Development Cooperation policies, tools and actors;
  • Experience in working in or for a network is an asset;
  • Work experience in the communication field, including use of social media and development of communication products;
  • Graphic design skills, experience in website management are an asset;
  • Client-oriented, with excellent communication skills in English, both orally and in writing;
  • Knowledge of other European languages, such as French, is an asset;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, and digital co-working tools;
  • Structured, with solid organisation and planning skills;
  • Proactive and creative individual, independent and autonomous way of working;
  • Strong team player.

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