Success Stories

Expat Focused Products

Advertising focused at a wealthy expat audience in Belgium, reaching out to thousands of ambitious Brussels expats and many EU and international organisations officials.

Examples of Expat Focused campaigns on EuroBrussels

The ING Expat Campaign

ING Combining the EuroBrussels audience with our sister sites BrusselsJobs and Brussels Legal, ING reached out to a large, wealthy expat audience for their promotional campaign. With their banners being displayed on all the sites, ING was able to focus on the to hard-to-target Expat community in Belgium.


Aspria Fitness Campaign

WorldClass Aspria ran a combined campaign with banners both on the EuroBrussels and BrusselsJobs websites and in several EuroBrussels and BrusselsJobs Newsletters, reaching over 60 000 interested users at once. The combination of different sites and advertising media successfully boosted the inscriptions for the Aspria spring campaign. 

Already convinced to advertise with EuroBrussels or looking for more info?
Reach our Marketing Consultants here or call us on +32 (0) 2 790 32 00

Conferences, Events & Seminars

Focused advertising towards a targeted audience of professionals interested in several specific policy, economy and business fields. Using our niche newsletters and banner advertising allows your organisation to get many more participants for your event.

Examples of Conferences, Events & Seminars campaigns on EuroBrussels

European Business Summit

European   Business Summit The European Business Summit partners with EuroBrussels to promote the annual event to the most relevant European audience, active in the European economy. With banners and newsletter advertising on both EuroBrussels and Brussels Legal, the summit reached the full scope of our audience.

IBC Legal Conferences

IBC Legal Conferences IBC regularly advertises Legal conferences in London and Brussels. With promotions on both Brussels Legal and EuroBrussels, IBC targets our strong legal community. Banners in the EuroBrussels Legal Newsletter and listings on the Brussels Legal Conferences page complement the advertising campaigns.

Aidex Conference

Aidex Conference To promote their global, humanitarian & development event in Brussels, Aidex partnered with EuroBrussels and published several ads in the EuroBrussels Newsletter, as well as a banner on the EuroBrussels website, to reach out to an audience of international experts in the development sector.

Already convinced to advertise with EuroBrussels or looking for more info?
Reach our Marketing Consultants here or call us on +32 (0) 2 790 32 00

Education & Courses

Focused at a young audience looking to improve their career opportunities. Campaigns focused at young, qualified professionals interested in enhancing their EU affairs knowledge and skills.

Examples of Education & Courses campaigns on EuroBrussels

College of Europe

College of EuropeThe renowned School for Political and International Masters Classes and Executive Tranings has successfuly advertised with EuroBrussels since 2010. Listings on the EuroBrussels Education and Courses page and Newsletter banners helped to target a young, focused audience looking to improve their career chances.

Central European University

Central European UniversityAdvertising politial classes as well as MBA and business bourses, the Central European University has found the perfect audience on EuroBrussels. Central European University is also reaching out to the audience on our sister site Brussels Legal, to promote their courses to an even larger target group.


King’s College London – Centre of European Law

King’s College London – Centre of European Law Running a campaign for their distance learning programs with a listing of almost 3 years on the EuroBrussels Education and Courses page to target our highly qualified law community. By advertising in the EuroBrussels Legal Newsletter and in the LL.M. section on the EuroBrussels Education listing, the King's College campaign reaches out to our focused legal audience in the most targeted way.

Already convinced to advertise with EuroBrussels or looking for more info?
Reach our Marketing Consultants here or call us on +32 (0) 2 790 32 00

Law firms and Consultancies

The law firms Latham & Watkins, and Hammonds have run long term ads on our site. As have the consultancies Hill & Knowlton, Human Dynamics and Pohl Consulting & Associates. High visibility and contact with potential employees

Examples of Law firms and Consultancies ads on EuroBrussels

Hill & Knowlton

Hill & Knowlton Ad on the EuroBrussels Consultancies page
Ad on the EuroBrussels Legal page
Logo shown on rotation over 200’000 times a month in the Partners box
High visibility and contact with potential employees
Profile themselves toward potential clients

Already convinced to advertise with EuroBrussels or looking for more info?
Reach our Marketing Consultants here or call us on +32 (0) 2 790 32 00

Employer Branding

Advertisements aiming at an international audience of specialists in International affairs willing to relocate. All actively looking for career opportunities.

Examples of Employer Branding campaigns on EuroBrussels

EPO - European Patent Office

The European Patent officeThe European Patent Office has been running several advertising campaigns on EuroBrussels to attract the skilled international audience on EuroBrussels, in combination with regular job postings. The EPO is also using our sister site EuroScienceJobs to promote the European Patent Office as an employer to the international engineering audience.


Eurocontrol Eurocontrol has been advertising on EuroBrussels as well as on our sister site EuroEngineerJobs to reach the international multilingual EuroBrussels audience, in combination with the expert engineer audience on EuroEngineerJobs, thanks to ads in our newsletters and banner advertising on the homepage.

Already convinced to advertise with EuroBrussels or looking for more info?
Reach our Marketing Consultants here or call us on +32 (0) 2 790 32 00

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